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The City of London

Global Financial Powerhouse

The City of London, often referred to simply as "the City" or “Square Mile”, is not just a geographical location but a global financial powerhouse and a unique institution that plays a crucial role in the global economy. With its origins dating back to Roman times, the City of London has evolved into the financial heart of the UK, housing some of the world’s leading financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, and stock exchanges. This square mile is the nerve center of financial services and legal expertise, influencing global markets and business practices worldwide.

For businesses, the City represents unparalleled access to capital, financial innovation, and a network of highly skilled professionals. Its status as a global financial hub means that businesses operating within or connected to the City can leverage its resources and infrastructure to achieve growth and competitive advantage on an international scale.

The City of London

The City of London has its own unique system of government, police force, civil and criminal courts. The Court of Common Council predates parliament and has the power to amend its own constitution. While the residential population is about 8000, more than 450,000people commute into the City during the working week.  

  • The City of London, despite itssmall size (3,2 km2 or 0.001% of the UK), is an economic powerhouse the country’s economy depends on.
  • It generates £70 billion in economic output annually, or 3.5% of all UK GVA.
  • In 2020 over 40% of all the world’s foreign exchange transactions were made in the City, a total of $3.5trillion per day.

The depth and breadth of professional services in The City mean unparalleled opportunities for businesses to grow with the best access to People, Projects, and Capital.


The City of London is governed by the Lord Mayor, an office that dates back over 800 years. The Lord Mayor represents the City on a global scale, promoting London as the world’s leading financial center.

  • Facilitates international trade and investment.
  • Represents the Financial and Professional Services sector on the global stage.
  • Promotes policies that enhance London’s attractiveness as a business destination.
How We are Connected:

Sir Peter Estlin KStJ, the 691st Lord Mayor of the City of London.

Sheriff of the City of London (2022–2023) Alderman Alastair King DL and B3CF Executive Director Vladislav Dobrokhotov at The Old Bailey in 2022.

The Court of Aldermen

The Court of Aldermen is a key part of the City of London’s governance structure. It is summoned and presided over by the Lord Mayor and consists of the 25 Aldermen, each representing one of the City's wards.

  • Aldermen are elected for a term of six years. They provide continuity in leadership and represent the interests of their respective wards within the City's governance.
  • The Court facilitates the election of the Lord Mayor, who represents the City of London globally, promoting trade and investment opportunities.
  • Additionally, Aldermen participate in various committees and boards, influencing policy and decisions that impact the business environment in the City.
How We are Connected:

Court of Common Council

The Common Council is the main decision-making body of the City of London Corporation, consisting of 100 elected Common Councilmen. These individuals represent the City's 25 wards and play a vital role in the governance of the City.

  • Provides strategic governance and oversight to ensure that the City remains a leading global business hub.
  • Oversees policies that support infrastructure, public services, and the regulatory environment, which are crucial for business operations.
  • Facilitates collaboration across various sectors, enhancing the City’s appeal to international businesses and investors.
How We are Connected:
  • B3CF Executive Director Vladislav Dobrokhotov is an External Advisor to the Natural Environment Board, Chaired by Caroline Haines CC, responsible for the day to day management of the gardens, churchyards and green spaces in the City. The City of London protects and manages, by charitable trust, almost 11,000 acres of open space across London.,

Common Councillor Caroline Haines

Master Marketor Trevor Brignall presents the Livery Certificate to B3CF Executive Director Vladislav Dobrokhotov. Mansion House, 2022

Livery Companies

The Livery Companies of the City of London, ancient trade associations and guilds, are central to the City's social and economic fabric. These companies, of which there are 111, represent various trades, professions, and industries.

  • Facilitate networking and mentorship within and across industries.
  • Support charitable activities that enhance the City’s social and cultural environment.
  • Promote standards of excellence and professional development through various initiatives.
How We are Connected:

City Charities

The City of London is home to some of the oldest and most prestigious charitable organisations in the UK, with a strong tradition of philanthropy that dates back centuries. These charities play a crucial role in supporting a wide range of causes, including education, health, social welfare, and the arts.

  • Strengthens the community and social infrastructure, creating a more vibrant and resilient environment for businesses to operate in.
  • Enhances corporate social responsibility opportunities, allowing businesses to contribute to meaningful causes and improve their social impact.
  • Provides networking opportunities and partnerships through charitable events and initiatives, fostering goodwill and collaboration between businesses and the broader community.
How We are Connected:
  • B3CF Executive Director Vladislav Dobrokhotov and B3CF Chairman Pekka Halmet support a number of City Charities directly and trough Livery Charitable Trusts.

B3CF Supports City Giving Day, a unique event which unites businesses in the City and beyond by celebrating the positive impact they have for their charity partners and their local communities, through fundraising and volunteering. Vladislav Dobrokhotov and Pekka Halmet with The 695th Lord Mayor of the City of London Prof. Michael Mainelli.

What our members and stakeholders say

“The partnership turned out to be beyond the expectation. Active and professional attitude with warm personal touch is quite unique approach and it is differentiating them. The flexibility in organizing but still firm dead-line management is a ground for success. Still the most important factor are the smiles on the faces and that is guaranteed.” 

- Kai-Petteri Purhonen, Inchcape Motors Finland Oy (retired)

"The planning and preparation were first class and we used every moment to our advantage. It was rightly a packed and busy programme. Thank you for all you did to make the visit to Finland such a success.”

-HRH Prince Michael of Kent GCVO

“B3CF has been a splendour networker and a global business contact platform. We have together created many public events and renewed how people see arts, business and international human rights all as a one, prosperous thing. I see B3CF as an enabler to update and improve the image of free trade, equality and cultural sharing...”

-Sini Kunnas, Artist

“It is support such as yours that makes it possible for us to do our work to create a better world.”

-Nathan McKinzie,The Royal Commonwealth Society

“I wanted to include my own thanks for arranging such an insightful and fascinating visit to Finland. Prince Michael repeatedly commented on the programme content and pace and wants to use it as a template going forward for similar visits.”

-Camilla Rogers, Private Secretary to TRH Prince and Princess Michael of Kent (retired)

“Our cooperation thus far has given us great pleasure and met our every expectation.”

- Roleff Kråkström, Moomin Characters Ltd.

What can we do for your business?

The B3CF has a reputation as a reliable service provider for its members. We help with direct business contacts and use our diverse events programme to showcase the products and services of our members.